Ram Bharath Reddy Madireddy
Warehouse Manager (AU)
As Planet Protector’s Warehouse Manager, Ram is a total multitasking maestro.
He supports the business by taking care of all the orders and making sure everything runs smoothly in the warehouse (and beyond).
“I manage all our orders. From the moment an order is placed until the products are delivered to the customer… I oversee the entire process. I also deal with all things production and scheduling,” he explains.
As for Planet Protector and what they do… Ram is a fan.
“I respect the environment. I want to reduce pollution, waste and plastic usage. That’s why I wanted to work with Planet Protector… that’s what we do. We want to save the world!”
On the day-to-day, Ram finds the diversity of his days a pleasure:
“Planet Protector is a start-up, so everything from start to end is taken care of. And because we have a small team, everyone experiences a lot of exciting elements to the business. We have a fantastic team.”
His not-so-secret passion? Cricket, cricket and more cricket!